First Blog!

Hello everyone!

I'm a bit late to the party with kicking these blogs off but hey better late than never, right?! 

Hopefully I am going to soon find myself enrolled into IDRP 2 and kicking off my project - withstanding that my research proposal comes back approved (I'm not so sure on this though!). 

So a little bit about why I'm here ... I am completing a research project on behalf of Engineers without Borders and their community partner, WaterAid in Timor Leste that aims to determine the feasibility of two menstrual hygiene management programmes in the Timorese context that have been designed by first year university students taking part in EWB's Challenge program.  Another component to this project is attempting to adapt the ideas to suit the Timorese context if possible. 

I actually secured this project early on in the semester but quickly became overwhelmed with the potential workload I had just given myself.  I have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be but I keep thinking back to first semester when we were told to "get comfortable with being uncomfortable."  I've really carried those words with me throughout this degree and have constantly pushed and challenged myself and I think that is how I have found myself embarking on an inter-disciplinary research project minus the technical skills.

I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you all and reading everyone's posts as our IDRP journeys progress.
